Creality Smart Kit 2.0 question

I know I can’t remote print via the smart kit with the Halot-Mage but I can monitor status if I want via the Creality Cloud app. Since the camera works isn’t it possible to still do a time-lapse video? There are no settings in the app that I can see to try this out. I’ve tried connecting the camera to a laptop running Windows 10 but for some reason it won’t do video or pictures. Perhaps a particular driver may get it working?

i think it’s possible if the software engineer enable from the software side.

I normally don’t use wireless print. I am so close to the printer i just usb. but I should look into it. I have trade it once with wireless print it works. it’s been a while though

Thank you. I’m primarily interested in being able to do the time lapse video. I’m thinking there must be something that will trigger the camera while printing.