Creality Sonic Pad Issues with Ender 3 Pro (Modded)

I have a Ender 3 Pro with mods, mods listed as so:

  • Ender Extruder with CR Touch
  • Dual X Axis motors
  • Light Bar (Just taps in to the PSU)
    Board is the STM32F103, v4.2.7. I have the Sonic Pad connected via USB to Micro.

    ^ What Printer I selected for the Pad.

    ^ My issue.
    Alt: When doing a self-test, printer goes dark exept for main board and screen, then pops back up and restarts everything. Pad is trying to test the “Throat Cooling Fan”.

Duped at (Incase you can’t see images.)

Is it a dedicated USB - microUSB or is there an adapter? I found with my Sonic Pad a good quality cable reduces the key1 error. Some people say to block the 5V, I tried it with a power dongle but it threw up another key error. My ender 5 plus is modded but nothing to exotic. It was connected to one of the side USB connections but seems happier with being connected to USB4 and my Ender 3V3SE is on USB3, nothing connected to 1 or 2 at all.

Its a data USB, USB A to MicroUSB. It does work, if I get passed all the errors durring setup, I can move the printer, but if I try to print, it does the whole “shutdown” thing.