Creality Warranty, not impressed


i am having a problem with my V3 KE. I keep getting an error code. After contacting Creality’s support (the response took day instead of hours, which is what I would have prefered) we eventually arrived at the conclusion that this is a problem I neither am qualified nor interested in handling. Hence I was told to get in touch with the sales support. Which I have done thrice so far, over 10 days, with precisely ZERO reaction. Is this normal? Am I going through the wrong channels? The printer worked really well untill it didn’t, and it’s all but 5 weeks old now. Any suggestion how to clear this up would be very much appreciated. Thank you,


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What is the error code, might be a simple fix? Only way to get through to support/sales is to keep hounding them, they are rather bad at responding.

“this is a problem I neither am qualified nor interested in handling.” 3D printing is probably not a hobby that will suit you, it is quite a hands-on, technical, fix it type hobby. Nearest you will get to a plug-n-play 3D printer is a Bambu A1, but even then they are not without issues that you’ll have to fix yourself.

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I get an unspecific errror code and the suggestions of the tech service were to update the firmware, which I did, and to swap out the hot end, which I did. Both to no avail. The next suggestion was to swap out the hot bed with the info that it may be a motherboard or a CPU issue too. If me being unwilling to buy parts and replace them on a three week old unit wihtout any recompensation and with little if any support is not “hands-on” enough, then yes, it may not be a “hobby” for me. Maybe though I am not averse to repairing and servicing stuff but still think some support is a good idea and that warranties are a thing.

Hello Mawis-Bikes,

It is possible that someone here may have information that will assist you.
But, it would make it more likely to happen if we knew a bit about what the problem actually is.

An error code would be helpful along with at what point it popped up.



that makes sense, sorry. The error code is 2092. The printer stopped during a print and, after switching off and on gave the error code. From what I understand this is related to temperature sensors, so I tried to heat up the heat unit and the hot bed separately (from the start menu) to determine which one it is. I had done this before when playing around with bed adhesion and different filaments. This is no longer possible. I then updated firmware (was on latest version), checked plugs of temp sensors on motherboard and replaced the hot unit (and with it the temp sensor). All that after repeating the first checks to makes sure it is not firmware related. Thank you,


Hello Mawis-Bikes,

Thank you for replying with that information.
Maybe someone has a suggestion ?


For a K1 so may not be of much help, I’d be checking everything with a fine tooth comb, if it still doesn’t work sending it back.