Crealuty K1 - hintere Z-Spindel

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe kürzlich einen Creality K1 erworben.

Leider musste ich schnell feststellen, dass das Druckbett bei leichter Berührung im hinteren Bereich “nachgibt”.

Ursache hierfür ist Spiel der hinteren Z-Achsen-Spindel in ihrer Lagerung (Luft zwischen Lagersitz und Lager). Dadurch kann sie sich ca. 0,5mm nach oben und unten (insg. 1mm) bewegen.

Ich denke, dass dies bei größeren Drucken zu Problemen führen wird.

Ein Video zur Einstellung der vorderen Spindeln habe ich gefunden, die hintere ist nicht weiter beschrieben.

Ich habe die Problematik mal auf dem folgenden Foto aus den Google-Suchergebnissen grafisch dargestellt:

Ist dieses Spiel bei Euch auch gegeben? Wie kann ich die Spindel einstellen, ohne dem Drucker komplett zu zerlegen?


Hi @CorN01 and welcome to the forums.

It is quite normal for there to be a small amount of play in the screws however it should not effect print quality as the bed will always rest on the screw rather than “float”. The only way to adjust the rear screw is via the underside of the printer, if you remove the base plate you will be able to access the pulleys etc and make adjustments as you see fit. Usually you should not need to adjust any of the screws.

Dear Nikoli,

are you sure that 1mm is in the excepted tolerance for this axis/rear spindle? The two at the front don’t have any play. I assume that this could compromise the process of leveling or the quality of heavier prints?

How much do you have at your K1?

I’ve already tried to remove the belt sprockets by loosening the screes but they are pressed on the spindle-shaft. So i can’t see the lower bearing.


Due to gravity and the weight of the bed it is very unlikely that a small amount of play in the rear screw would cause any issues. The bed will always come to rest on the screw and will never likely “float” between threads on the screw.

I have checked my K1 and can confirm there is a small amount of play in the screw but it does not cause any issues with printing. If the screws had no slight play in them there would be the risk of them binding. As long as your Z screws are free of debris and greased regularly you should be fine.