CY2586: Y axis motion coordinate out of range

I received this error CY2586: Y-axis motion coordinate out of range after 4.5 hours into a 6.5-hour print. The perplexing thing is it has already finished the farthest outlying y-axis printing. Does anyone have any idea what causes this?

UPDATE: Same error this time at 5.25 hours. What the heck?

SECOND UPDATE: I sliced it with Orca, and the grid printed correctly without errors. It appears that the problem is with the Creality Print slicer.

This is suppose to have been fix in the new Creality Print software updated a few days ago… check it out?

That was the version I used; It would not work.

I’m getting this with any moderately large print ( > 50% of build area-ish) any update on when this will be fixed? I’m on the latest as of today (27-01-2025)

As I said previously, I used Orca, and it printed correctly. I used almost the entire print area for a gridfinity base.

Well, I’ll try some other slivers (inc. Orca),

I was rather hoping Creality might have responded with a fix!


Yeah, from what I have read about Creality’s support, I wouldn’t hold my breath.