Hello, this my first post here and I’m hoping that somebody will be able to help me.
Last month I bought myself th Ender v3 KE and I have to say that it’s been a fantastic printer
Yesterday I turned the printer on to print some bits and pieces and it suddenly stopped during the self-calibration with the Error Key 2104 message displayed. The printer hadn’t been used for a few days so had been disconnected from the mains power supply. Somebody suggested resetting the printer to the factory settings but the LCD display is showing nothing but the 2104 error. I also noticed that, when plugged in again, the settings for Language and Time Zone had changed. but WiFi settings hadn’t.
After trawling YouTube, I find that many people have had the same issue but nobody has a fix. I’m just a novive at 3D printing and I don’t want to mess around too much just in case it never works again!
I checked the ribbon cable and all other cables on the print head but all was in order. Powered up the printer and still had the same error. One of my radio ham tricks is to disconnect any ‘problem’ cables, power up, power down and then reconnect the problem cable. It seems to have worked because the error message has gone now and it’s printing as I’m typing this. I also checked the load sensor and everything seemed fine.
I also took the opportunity to strip and clean the print head. I was surprised at just how much crud there was - even some different coloured filament from what I was using.
As a complete novice to 3D printing, this is all a learning curve for me so I really do appreciate your time and advice. I just need to master the slicing software now!
And it is one helluva curve if you are stupid like me and buy multiple printers from multiple manufacturers, all totally different Glad you got it working.
I also have small Weefun Tina 2 which is handy for smaller things and I also have another Creality Ender from about 5 years ago (still in the box) Perhaps I should have built that instead of buying the KE
OMG WTF or something. That would have been built as soon as it was delivered though it does take me about a year to get rid of the packaging, just in case. What ya got in the box?
WTF and OMFG indeed! It’s an Ender Pro. The delivery label on the box says 2019 With moving and stuff that life throws in, it was put on hold. It’ll get built when I’ve made space in my spare room (office/workshop/radio shack) but when that will be is a different matter