Ender 3 KE warped Bed?

Hi all! I had an original ender 3 pro for ages and loved it, decided to get a KE for myself after hearing good things about it. I’ve been trying to level my bed, and I’ve run into a bit of a road block.

Overall the differences in the bed mesh make a lot of sense as I try And get this thing level, HOWEVER if you look on the verge left side you’ll see there’s a .1 to .15 difference immediately after the corners. I’ve no idea what’s going on there.

I’ve loosened and then retightened all the screws, tried swapping out for the silicone spacers I use on my Pro, even got the 10mm linear rod upgrade for the Y-axis and I can’t fix that issue.

Because of this no matter what I do the mesh leveling/auto leveling can’t compensate properly. In fact it seems like it’s not compensating at all and unless I print just in the very center of the bed I run into problems with being too close or too far and it gives me spaghetti.

I also tried resetting to factory settings but I’ll be trying that again tonight with the new 10mm rods installed.

That’s one of the flattest beds that I have seen, way flatter than mine, as long as it is within 2mm it should be fine I think mine has about 1.5mm variance, prints fine. The bed must be properly clean and you have to dial in the Z offset, you do this while the print is running, I run a 3 wide skirt to dial in the Z offset before it starts the main print. A bed as flat as yours I would concentrate in getting the Z offset right as you won’t be getting it much flatter than that. I have to do this with my 5 FDM machines. Oh make sure you turn off the autocalibrate when it does a print, that will just reset your now calibrated Z offset and will probably fail the print again.

Thanks for the reply! So wait I calibrate the z-offset every time I print? Or just once and then turn off the auto calibration?

Just the once should be good. Turn off the auto calibrate once it is set. Once it is set it should stay there until you change something like new nozzles or buildplate, then you’ll have to recalibrate and reset your Z offset again. If you can’t dial it in on a 3 wide skirt try a wider skirt. Which build plate are you using?

If you leave autocalibrate on you’ll have to redo your z-offset every time.

I’m using the default build plate it came with. I’ll try adjusting that z-offset tonight with a large flate plate

Took me ages to get it right first time every time, takes practice and patience and a big bin for scrap filament :wink:

Thast quite flat, calibrate once, make sure your z ofset is correct and do not calibrate if you are not moving the printer. Just make sure to clean the plate.