ender 3 neo has me pulling my hair out

ok I will start by saying I am new to 3d printing. The Neo is my first printer. I am printing with PLA+ material with a nozzle 215 and bed 65. When I first got the printer I was having issues getting it to print getting strings till I was able to get the bed leveled properly. Then it was printing great. Had several projects come out just fine and they stuck to the bed perfect.
Then one day I tried to print something and my knob just froze. I could not get it to turn at all or the screen change. Would not push up and down either just froze. Instead of switching the knob I replaced the whole board. It was simple to put in and the printer started up no problem. Software shows hardware 4.2.2 date 2023-02-03 same as before. I tried to print and had problems. I noticed my x axis was also not level. So I googled it and found a video to level the x axis. I took the unit half apart and put it back together. Since then I can not get anything to stick to the bed and a lot of stringing. I tried leveling the bed several times and it stays the same. I put a new spool of pla+ on and the same. I am trying to print things that I printed before this happened that worked perfectly not new parts. So cant be software issues. I am out of ideas and looking for suggestions. Leveling the bed has always been a problem to me. The videos I see say you should feel the nozzle scrap the paper. When my nozzle touches the paper I can feel it dragging but it also feels like its vibrating even when the motor is turned off. No one ever says you should feel vibrations. even my test line and line around the part look off and dont stick like before. I print might look like its going ok a couple of layers and then the parts sliding all over the bedd with strings. someone please help