Ender 3 Nozzle Heating Code Error 3000

I’ve had my printer for around 6 months. It always printed fine for me. Then around two months ago, I had a really bad clog. After cleaning up the filament everywhere, I noticed there was some stuck in the fan. Following advice from a much more knowledgeable friend, I cleaned it out very carefully avoiding the wires and such. I removed the out fan cover to do this. Once I reinstalled it though, every time my nozzle tries to heat up, the printer gives me Error Key 3000, Unknown Exception. This is usually followed by a pop up saying “nozzle not heating as expected” then it automatically restarts. I’ve looked around these forums and online but nothing has worked yet. I’ve already made sure it’s on the right voltage. The closest thing I’ve heard is a faulty thermistor but I have no idea how to fix that so I’m hoping for something else. Any advice is appreciated.

I would say faulty thermistor too. I don’t think you can change that on the KE as it is built into the ceramic heater. I would take the opportunity to swap it for a microswiss hotend, it has the longer flowtech nozzle which should avoid the blob of death. That said a replacement KE hotend from Creality is cheaper, but could still get the blob of death.

That kinda sucks, but thanks for the help. On a scale of 1-10, could you rate how hard it is to install the new hot end? If you also know of any good guides I’d be appreciative. All of my printers are completely stock because I’m scared to break them but if it’s an easy install maybe this could be my gateway into modding them.

Oh it is dead easy and the instructions that come with it are very easy to follow, so easy I didn’t need youtube tutorials. Some of the best instructions I have ever had. Think it took less than 20 minutes. I’ve done this mod on both my V3KE, straight hotend replacement, and my V3SE which was a little more complex (new fan duct and a CRtouch spacer) but again very well instructed. You could change the heatsink but I haven’t bothered and used the original. Scale of 1-10 with 10 being hard, 2 at worst but probably a 1, but then all of my Creality printers are modded. I’ve not modded my Snapmaker or Qidi printers at all…yet.