Ender 3 S1 Pro assembly

Someone who shouldn’t have started disassembling my Ender 3 S1 Pro and I have to reassemble. My issue relates to the gantry upright wheels. Each upright has 3 wheels to guide the vertical movement. On the inner side each side has one wheel with 2 spacers. On each side one of these spacers is a hexagonal part with a step machined into it. On one side the flange has a hole which the step fits into which is fine but the flange on the other side has a smalled hole, too small for the step to fit into resulting in a different spacing, see attached images. Does anyone know why this is?

The third image shows the eccentric nut, this is used to tighten/loosen the third wheel into the V groove, it is very important so that the carriage doesn’t rattle around. The left side butts up to the wheel the other goes into a hole loosish in the carriage, then there is the axle that screws through the whole lot, adjust the eccentric nut when that screw is installed.

Thanks for that, I didn’t notice the eccentric design. However, while that works on the side shown in my centre image, the other side shown in the first image doesn’t have the larger hole for the eccentric piece to locate into so it can’t operate to tighten up the carriage on that side.