Ender 3 S1 Pro Cabinet

New user, although I have been playing with my S1 Pro for a few months and slowly getting there!

Thought people might be interested in what I have done for my cabinet which sits in my study.

Happy to hear any ideas/improvements that I might be able to do, and also if anyone would like a bit more info on my build.

Enclosure Documentation.pdf (1.1 MB)


Hadn’t given a Lack a thought…the last time I’d thought about that particular model of IKEA furniture was when I was looking at a cheap, “rack,” for my 2U 19" boxes…

That being said, this looks REALLY good and I might use one of them as a core for the enclosure work I plan on doing soon enough.

Thanks Frank and pleased that my efforts look suitable.

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If you want the temps to go higher (30’s good for most things but is a smidge shallow for some of the crazier materials like Nylon and Polycarbonate. Sure, they’ll print, but you rather wanted 40-50 deg C if you can achieve it and you’re wanting to do that sort of thing (Waves hand)) you’re going to probably move to something akin to rigid foil backed foam insulation. The gym mats have a low R-value comparatively speaking. That being said,…if you’re not needing to pring crazy stuff…this works REALLY well all the same.