I’ve been printing a 5+ hour print every day for a few weeks now. Yesterday afternoon I fired up my printer to get a project going and the printer made a loud noise. The print head followed the correct print path but gouged the print bed the entire time- leaving a deep scratch in the print bed. I ran the auto leveling feature after installing a new print bed. Now every print file I try prints terribly. Lines are wobbly and the first layer doesn’t stick well at all.
Hello Justin_Hall,
Could you tell us a bit about your setup please, such as …
Any modifications made.
What version of slicing software do you use.
Has anything been changed in the last 24 hours (even if it may seem small).
Check the nozzle has come loose?
Fair call
Thank you for the replies. The only modification I’ve made was a new spool holder- which was made weeks ago. I’ll check for a loose nozzle and report back. I’m kind of scared to check since I’ve broke off a nozzle once before by using too much torque when tightening it
I’m using the latest version of Cura slicer. It’s worth noting that this happened on my very first print using the Creality slicer when I bought the printer in January. Out of caution, I bought a new hot end, nozzle, build plate and switched to Cura slicer.
The nozzle did not come loose. I was able to get a decent- not great, print out of it by adjusting the z-offset closer to the plate. I’m guessing the nozzle is damaged and I’ll be getting a new one today. I’m at a loss as to why my printer would have decided to slam the z position so low as to carve into my build plate.
I don’t know why either, the CRtouch should have given the z limit.