my printer has firmware:
Ender - Touch Screen - HW - 4.2.7 - BLTouch.bin + screen firmware DWIN_SET from folder [4.2.7_Mainboard] , download package is:
[Ender-3 Series Touchscreen firmware(Excect Ender-3Max)]
The problem is that when i go to menu Leveling > and then press center, the CR touch grabs center, then i take peace of paper and go to Settings > Move Axis > move z till paper scratches the nozzle, then o go back, enter the Z offset valu in leveling menu, and begin to print.
But before printing , CR touch, levels center again, and then all the build plate, and then prints without mine defined Z offset value, event it is written on the screen with that value -0.1 , witch i can add wile printing.
so is it firware or am i doing something wring, cause now first layer cant stick to build plate