Ender 3 v1 + CR touch + Touch screen

my printer has firmware:
Ender - Touch Screen - HW - 4.2.7 - BLTouch.bin + screen firmware DWIN_SET from folder [4.2.7_Mainboard] , download package is:
[Ender-3 Series Touchscreen firmware(Excect Ender-3Max)]

The problem is that when i go to menu Leveling > and then press center, the CR touch grabs center, then i take peace of paper and go to Settings > Move Axis > move z till paper scratches the nozzle, then o go back, enter the Z offset valu in leveling menu, and begin to print.

But before printing , CR touch, levels center again, and then all the build plate, and then prints without mine defined Z offset value, event it is written on the screen with that value -0.1 , witch i can add wile printing.

so is it firware or am i doing something wring, cause now first layer cant stick to build plate

Are you using the save option in the menu, cant remember where it is exactly but you need to save it after adjusting settings

there was no save option there,
but i installed another firmware so i solved my problems it has much more features