Ender 3 v2 Neo Extrusion Issues

Hello, I recently bought an Ender 3 v2 Neo and it has had extrusion issues since I got it. From what I’ve seen, it sometimes extrudes perfectly fine, and then after a few moments starts horribly underextruding, afterwards going back to working fine, with the cycle repeating. It happens no matter where the nozzle is located and what temperature or material it is. From trying to manually push it, it seems the pressure required to feed dramatically changes for no apparent reason. I’ve replaced the nozzle and I got a couple prints, but they seem to all have the same problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: It seems the issue is happening somewhere between the PTFE interfacing with the hotend and the nozzle itself. after removing material buildup in the PTFE tube, it worked perfectly and then started getting blocked again the second I tried to start a print. It seems to me like there is excess material inside the hotend but before the nozzle, but I don’t know how I would go about removing that.