Ender 3 v3 ke, good pet-g profile for Creality print?


Printing whit a v3 ke. Pla all fine and get nice prints but Petg lot of ugly prints.
Test cube coming oke but lot of ugly places on the print and sometimes half the print it just is a mess and can trow it away…
Hope you guys got a good profile… and hope someone got one for creality print.

Testing whit cura and thit have good results whit settings below in cura.

Only a not perfect print takes 3.5 ours in creality print, in cura whit settings below it takes 18 ours…
I see all print in cura are much and much slower.

Would be nice if you guys can share you crealityprint petg profile or settings.
Hope you guys can help me.

These settings work good but very very slow.

Perfect Cura PETG Settings

The settings we’ll recommend deviate a bit from Cura’s PETG profile. If you want to skip the read and get right to printing PETG, below is a snapshot of an ideal Cura PETG slicer profile:

  • Nozzle temperature: 235 °C
  • Bed temperature: 70 °C
  • Print speed: 40-50 mm/s
  • Initial layer print speed: 20 mm/s
  • Travel Speed: At least 120 mm/s
  • Retraction distance: 6 mm for Bowden setups, 2-3 mm for direct extrusion setups
  • Retraction speed: 25 mm/s
  • Combing: “Not in Skin” or “Within Infill”
  • Cooling fan speed: 50%
  • Initial layer cooling speed: 0%
  • Build plate adhesion: Brim
  • Brim width: 5-6 mm

I’ve been happy with the default Creality Print settings. What I would ask is what do the ugly prints look like? Lots of stringing? PETG needs to be dry for best results, it is really susceptible to damp conditions.

If i print stock CR-Petg thats allready in creality print.
And lets say i print a boot bengy then layers are easy to sepperate but oke that you dont see but i can easy pull off the boot cabin, cant do that whit a pla print and most times i got pieces filament sticking out of the print, think because something thit not stick good and a piece filament blub comes between the layers.

Not sticking could mean you need to slow the print down, PETG doesn’t print as fast as PLA does.

You’re doing something wrong with the PETG, and most likely should increase the temperature. Layer-adhesion is really good with PETG, and breaking off the cabin of a benchy should be impossible.