I have an Enfer 3 V3 KE that prints well until now but I noticed when I had to print some pieces with critical dimensions (the Toyota 22RE Gearbox) that the pieces ar taller than they have to be. I desing and print two platforms for a scale and for 8mm high the printed piece is betuween 0.4 - 0.6 mm taller. For this is nos problem bur for the gearbox model is because I can’t close it.
I look for information about how to calibrate Z axis but I found nothing about. I always calibrate platform before print.
Please, where can I find information about calibrate Z axis?
thats quite a lot out. If I print 20x20x20 calibration cubes the z height will be within ±0.05mm, that’s on all my printers not just the KE. That is quite a lot out on yours, 5%? X and Y I can work out with belt tensions or stepper current, but not for Z.