Ender 3 V3 SE and Ender 3 V3 KE

I have both these printers and slowly I am coming up with subtle differences in the setups in Creality Print. For instance the “Enable Gcode offset (Z)” is not available for the SE but is for the KE. Guessing that is because the SE is Marlin and the KE is Klipper (ish).

Not tried it yet but seeing as my SE is connected to a Sonic pad it is basically a KE without a few bits so perhaps I should run the CP settings for a KE in future?

The answer to that conundrum is a resounding no, it really was unhappy with doing that.

You are correct in terms of the Z offset on each of the printers. The KE is Klipper based which means it can understand z offset values from the gcode generated from the slicer. Most of the time z offset is configured by the printer itself when it comes to the SE which uses Marlin firmware.

Except both my Ender 5 plus and SE are now connected to Sonic Pad so are Klipper not Marlin anymore. I wonder if there will be a version of Creality print for those printers but for Klipper.

Usually there is minimal differences between the gcodes for marlin machines as against klipper machines, its more a case of they deal with different commands that the other might not comprehend. You can still make z offset adjustments within the slicer if you are not able to save the changes on the sonic pad. In reality if you load the web UI for the sonic pad on your web browser you should see the controls for z adjustment along with a save icon to store the changes…

I do the adjustment on the Sonic Pad itself rather than the Web UI. It still remembers the offset for the next reboot.

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