Ender 3 V3 SE Auto leveling

Hi, I have an Ender 3 V3 SE. I used it for 1 year. all the way I found only one problem that is software and firmware issues.
Now again I’m facing some different issues please help me.
I updated my firmware, and now when I turn on my printer below screens appear

Please help

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Kumar, I am having the exact same issue with my Ender V3 SE . I even tried to load with Japanese and same situation. Did you find a solution for yours?

Yes, I have resolved this issue. The problem occurs when the CR Touch sensor plunger moves down to measure the bed surface height, but the bed surface is lower than the plunger’s sensing height. This prevents proper detection.

To fix this, ensure that the bed screws are not overly tightened—just tighten them slightly. Additionally, check the bottom of your bed to ensure that the aluminum X-shaped frame is not bent or warped.