Ender 3 v3 se, descentrada

Tengo una ender 3 v3 se la cual se me ha descentrado. Cuando intento hacer una calibración me dice que el centro está a la derecha de la cama por lo que no puedo siquiera imprimir. No he encontrado ninguna opción en la máquina de autohome por lo que no tengo idea de cómo solucionar el problema que presenta

Prepare and levelling check the gantry is levelled to the bed.

where can I check it?Im new and i dont have any idea sorry.
I just change the screen to the nebula pad so I have nebula pad interface

Is it a V3SE that you have or did I misread “se la”

Yes, i have ender 3 v3 SE

i put a video on google drive so u can check it.

Does it not hit the limit switch on the left side? Can you manually move it to the left?

manually I can move it. but at autoz that didnt move to the left, and dont hit the switch

I try all, i try to reset the printer, reinstall firmware, try to put old screen and all i can do. But no results

seems like something is connected backwards, the printhead should not be going right.

U means to open the under plate and check all conects?

i will order a new nozzle motherboard, just to try it.I dont know

I opened it, check all conections, clean all of them, and the same problem