Ender 3 V3 SE not extruding after upgrading the hot end

I purchased the Ender 3 V3 SE ceramic hot end upgrade and now when it tries to print a job nothing is extruding. If I tell it to extrude in the menu it extrudes fine. I have checked the E step settings and everything is working correctly there. I have tried multiple slicers and even resetting it to factory settings but still nothing. I upgraded because no matter what I did with the regular hot end it wouldn’t stop over extruding and stringing. Not extruding

is the hotend getting hot? Changing the hotend shouldn’t affect the extruder, you can see if that is turning by that wheel on top. Is the printhead ribbon connected correctly, you may have dislodged it.

Everything works when I have it extrude from the prepare menu.

Just looked at the video, didn’t notice it before sorry, I think it is extruding but its not sticking to the bed. Try adjusting the z-offset, new hotend is bound to be in a different position than the old one. Made a small mod to one of my printers and it threw the z-offset way out.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I have been trying to figure that out for days.

no problem, glad you got it sorted. My V3SE was doing something similar today after I flipped the buildplate over.