I just got my Ender 3 V3 SE for Christmas, I did a very small project that took 6 minutes to print as a test print. I started a bigger print and went to bed since it was about 6 hours to print. When I got up it said that it was 100% done but when I checked the project it was not finished. I tried to print it again but no filament was coming out. I checked and my head is not clogged. If I push the filament down it comes out of the head. When I put the heat up to 240 filament comes out. The printer goes through all of the motions like its printing but no filament comes out. Can someone please help me.
Firstly check you can extrude by going into settings and extrude say 100mm.
Check the wheel in front of the filament entry on the printhead revolves.
If it does revolve you may have to adjust the tension screw on the extruder.
If it does not revolve then you need to check the wiring from the extruder motor.
Check the large cable connector on the printhead, did you ensure the clips are seated and the retaining bar and 2 screws are fitted.
Let us know how you get on.
If you fail on the above I would look at returning the printer for a replacement