Ender 3 v3 se

Hello, I am seting up my Ender 3 V3 SE for the first time dispite owning it for over 12 months. When i switched it on I was presented with the photo shown. I have tried switching it on and off again and flashed firmware but niothing happens…HELP PLEASE. :pray:

vorbeiten means prepare, select this then scroll to the very bottom which is language select english is the 2nd one down after the chinese characters

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Thank you, but it didn’t work i’m now presented with this screen

zuruck means back so try selecting this and chosing a different option this is where u are

Hello, None of the others did anything apart from Nivellierung which moved the printhead to the left front corner of the print board. Now i ave this screen, but nothingis happening and the control does nothing. Cheers Mark

in that case i would contact creality sorry i couldn’t help

Thank you for all your help, it was very much appreciated, Cheers Mark :+1: