When I start my printer, there is a cycle it goes through to self level and starts to clean nozzle and so on. HOWEVER one thing it does all the time is that the bed hits the back several times before it starts all that. It’s like in the movie Auston Powers when the car is stuck and all he does is moves forwards and backwards. Can’t remember if it did that from the start.
Once it’s done with the banging a few times, it starts the cycle and prints my projects.
It just sounds like a “hard thump” over and over (4 to 6 times) before it’s happy.
Anybody else have this issue?
Mine knocks against the back during auto-leveling. Doesn’t knock against the front side, though.
I would ignore it, but the reason I am digging through the forum in the first place is because of my completely unusual bed mesh as seen in the slicer app. (I use Creality Print 5.1 and 6, and Orca Slicer 2.3, and they all show the really unusual bed mesh results.) I wonder if this knocking against the back side has something to do with it.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any solution to offer.