I’ve got 2 ender 3 V1 (8bit motherboard), i’ve switched the one to klipper, which work like a charm, and update the other to the latest TH3D Marlin, and now i cannot home “Homing failed, printer halted, please reset”.
I’ve try each and every solution i’ve found online and none seems to resolve the problem :
- Verify all switch and motor cable with a multimetter, all seems to work fine
- Downgrade the firmware to lot of earlier version and even the original creality one
When i try to move each axis individually, the x axis doesn’t move, y and z is working so :
- I try to switch the x and y motor cable on the motherboard and then i was able to move the x axis with the y axis command but i cannot move the y axis with the x command.
Normally when auto home the printer check the z axis first by lifting it up a bit then check the x axis (the hot end axis), and last the y axis. But in my case, it lift up the z axis the move directly the y axis thinking it’s the x axis. if I let it trying to home, it end with the error “Homing failed, printer halted, please reset”. But if i push on the x axis end course switch (faking the x axis moving) it think the auto home succeced after moving a second time the y axis
When i move the axis which is working (x or y depending on how i switch the motorcable) it seems that the x and y axis is moving the same axis cause when i move x axis the y motor make a noise without moving itself, and when i move the y axis then the y axis move.
No matter which motor (x,y or z axis) i switch, the x axis move of the printer is not working, so i think it’s a firmware problem but i really don’t know what.
So If someone can help please !