Ender 3V2 with CR Touch Sprite extruder, how do I edit the printer config file?

I have a Ender 3 V2 with a CR Touch and Sprite hot end, trying to get a Sonic pad to work on it, using Ender3 V2 with CR Touch as a starter. I need to move the print head to allow for the Sprite offset. I log into the web browser and can change the values on the printer config file save or save and restart, which ever I reflash the SD card and go through the setup again, I get to start bed traming and still the front left probe is hanging of the edge nothing has changed and the offsets have reverted on the original figures. I’ve seen this question asked before but I haven’t seen an answer yet.

I am not sure you need to do anything with the SD card after making changes to printer.cfg the save and restart should be enough to use the new settings

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