I have a new Ender 5 Max and find that the bed leveling is way off in the bed mesh. Is there a way to manually level the bed or improved the level in the bed mesh?
Edit: I got the new hotbed for it and it has not changed a thing.
I have a new Ender 5 Max and find that the bed leveling is way off in the bed mesh. Is there a way to manually level the bed or improved the level in the bed mesh?
Edit: I got the new hotbed for it and it has not changed a thing.
Have same question
This how the test print looks
What firmware version you have on yours?
My is on anyway I made a mes map even with yours version. You have to make a map before printing on the same temperature for the bed that you are using for the print.
I have 12.0.10
oops I meant to say
You made a mesh map and saved it via web interface?
Wow, really bad bed. Try to print spacers and make a new mesh,and save the mesh to config.
Vladimir for some reason my other post got locked. I am a total newbie and have issues when my bed heats up to print ABS. The bed level is terrible, you offered some InSite on my other post but i could not reply due to it being locked out. How can i level the bed at 90C? And remember i am a novice!
Prehit the bed, and only after the bed hited send a command to make a map from the web interface, but probably you will need a fluid. I do not remember if in original web interface you have this option.
I tried to do this but then the bed waits to cool back down before it will level. There is no level option in the web interface, I need to do it from the control pad?
where did you get this version from, I am on ? I tried to update and it says i am on the latest.
I have the same problem. Just had a 9mm thick precision ground bed made for mine. Hope to install it in a couple days.