Ender 5 plus firmware help

Hi everyone, I am looking to mod my ender 5 plus to have a dual mixing extruder ( a 2 in 1 out extruder). I currently have a creality silent board on my printer. Does anyone have any preset up firmware for this because I haven’t been able to find it for this exact board. If not then I guess I will have to configure it myself. Thanks.

Update: I have all of the parts except the screws needed to attach it to the extruder carriage. I haven’t figured out how to use the marlin firmware builder in vscode, I did finish getting the configuration files( the .h and the other configuration file) set up and have everything ready to go but I don’t know how to make the .hex file, to anybody that has experience in this type of 3d printing stuff, would you be able to help me? Thanks in advance.