Ender 5 S1 Extruder Issue

Hello all,

I have recently ran into an issue with my Ender 5 S1. I have looked at some other forms and did some general Internet searching. I’m finding that the extruder stops and you have to replace the flat cable. However, it seems like my cable works because the gears turned for the extruder, but it makes this clicking sound as if the gears are grinding or something like that.

Has anyone experienced this and know of a fix? Anyone have any troubleshooting ideas?

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Clicking sound could be the extruder not being able to push filament through. Do you have a nozzle clog perhaps or a bit of filament broken in the extruder? Think you might be doing some disassembling of the hotend. Worst case it could be like my Ender 5 plus where the extruder stepper motor connection cable was broken and needed replacing.

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No clog. I replaced both the hotend and the extrusion kit. Oddly, I think I have it working. For whatever reason, the original flow settings seemed too high (now all of a sudden), so I reduced the flow about 20% and it seems to be doing fine now.


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Had that with a brand of filament, had to go to 80%, think it was Elegoo, Sunlu was fine at 100%

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Well, spoke too soon. Made it through 90% of a benchy print and it stopped again.

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