Ender 5 S1 print showing as 100% complete but printer fails to start printing

Hi All, I have an Ender 5 S1 that was printing well until few days ago. Now, when I try to print a file, it starts normally with preheating the bed, the nozzle goes to the corner and then centres itself. Normally, at this point the bed leveling would start, but it doesn’t. Within a minute or two, the percentage bar fills to 100% even though the printer did not even start printing. Manual bed leveling isn’t working either. If I try to level one of the five points nothing happens, if I try to auto-level, again nothing happens.

Files used should be alright as it was printed before. Anyone encountered this before?

3D Preview your Gcode file to see if anything is showing.

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Tried several different files. What concerns me is that it cannot reprint the same file it already printed, not just the model, but the file itself. Of course, I tried making new files of the same model, but that didn’t work either.

Delete the file that will not print from every it is stored.

Then print something you know has printed other than that file.

If that file prints then recreate the file for the one you had issues with and try to print it.

Sounds like your Extruder Ribbon Cable has developed a short or open circuit.