For context I have a fully enclosed Ender 5 S1 running Klipper with a fully configured Sonic Pad. I had until very recently produced some very successful prints with this configuration.
It recently displayed the following message whilst trying to run a bed level test print with PETG:
“Heater extruder not heating at expected rate …”
The hotend began to smoke and I turned off the printer.
I performed a Nozzle PID Configuration and got the following output:
This profile does not seem to be correct as the power would appear to either be on or off.
However, if I heat the nozzle to 230c and extrude some PETG the power seems to produce the correct heating profile with little variance in temperature:
Should I be concerned?
If so, what does anyone believe might be the cause?
Thanks in advance for any replies.
An hour or so later …
So it would appear to be a Moonraker issue I think. After printing a couple of successful bed leveling tests I ran the Nozzle PID Calibration again and got the same output as I had when I first set up the Sonic Pad, as can be seen below:
[7 Aug24]: i think my concerns over the PID check were totally unfounded. Testing things further i realised i needed to select the nozzle temperature in order for its temperature to appear on the chart.
I think the initial error, “Heater extruder not heating at expected rate …”, was resolved by taking the termister out of the hot end and reinserting it