Ender v3 se - failed update

I have a problem - then i insert sd-card, and printer see no gcode models on sdcard. I try to update with new update, but after printer failed to start.
I read troublesgoting guide for my model endev 3 v3 se, and i see the solusion chapter “The Machine is Stuck on the Startup Interface/Blue Screen Interface/Fail to Boot”. Solution on youtube https://youtu.be/8oRuCusCyUM - but this video not longer available.
Please, help me, ask where can i see the solution?

Get a new SDcard, the SE seems to eat them

Sometimes printer see a models on sd-card and no problem with sd-card on notebook.
I rename the update with name Firmware and printer starts.
But sometimes printer see nothing on sd-card - remove and add sd-card on printer helps me.
I think its problem. How to resolve this?

Hello S.chesnokov,

You will find that the ender 3 V3SE has problems with sd cards from time to time.
My suggestion would be to get a “Sonic pad” for it.
Believe me you won’t regret it. Best thing I did for mine!

The only time you will have to use the sd card again in the printer is when you setup the Sonic pad, then no more SD card, just send the .gcode file via WiFi from your computer.


Hello S.chesnokov,

Probably the first thing to do is as Bonfireman said, " get a new sd card".

Make sure it is NO bigger than 8Gb as the printer doesn’t like bigger than 8GB cards.
And take it from there.