Ender3 SE hangs at 93% every time!

The last time I used the printer was just before Hurricane Helene, and printed a 6" tall sculptural model. Started with brand new filament yesterday, and after five attempts to print a 1" tall model, the printer has hung up and stopped moving at 93% every time. The nozzle is not hanging up on the print, there’s no indications of anything loose or making odd noises, it just stops at the same place every time. I’ve even tried to start another model I know has printed in the past, and it too hung at 93%.

Please, someone help me figure this out! I will answer every question I can if it helps arrive at a solution.

In your slicer you can create primitive models ie:- cubes, cylinders. Can you print any of those without it hanging? If you slice a STEP file rather than an STL does it print?

Well, the only way I can answer that is to tell you that every single file I have tried to print have all hung at 93%. I suppose I could do up a very basic geometric shape and give it a go to see what it does.

I have never heard of a “STEP” file. All I have ever used in Cura were STL files to create the Gcode.

STEP is a file exported from CAD that can be imported to orca or Creality Print and sliced to gCode. Unlike a triangulated geometry like STL, it is more accurate to the original CAD file. Better info in better gcode out.

Learn something new every day!

I’ve always used Cura, and most of the models I have done were from Sketchup converted to STL. Never had any trouble before now.

I made up a little test cylinder, 10mm x 30mm and printed it just now. Same thing. Stopped dead at 93%. No noises, no odd movements or anything. Just stopped. I even shut it off, and turned it back on, and hit “resume” and it did nothing.

Could you do an experiment and try Orca with the same fille and see if that hangs. Just trying to rule out software before trying to think of what to do with hardware/firmware.

Other than the whale, I don’t know what “Orca” is. Sorry.

I don’t have the ability to use any other software, as it would have to be approved and installed by our IT department. That would take a few weeks…

Without presuming to think I know more than you do (it is obvious I do not), I can say that the only thing all of these models I have tried to print is that they all went through Cura v5.7

I can’t see that you can add primitives in Cura, I have v5.9 a missed trick by Ultimaker and more limited in file imports. I’m out of ideas for now sorry.

Hello Lancer525,

Where are you reading this figure ? on the printers screen or in the printing software/slicer

It is definitely a shame you cant change the printing software/slicer as this is quite likely where the problem lies.

If you now make a cylinder with the same radius but taller by 10mm, does it still stop at 93%.


I’m reading it on the screen of the printer. It’s not in the slicer, I don’t think. The reason I say this is, I did the slicing for the most recent arch model that I tried this morning at home. The same version, just a different computer. I’ll try the cylinder at 40mm in the morning, as I’m about to leave the office today.

Thanks for everything, so far guys… I do appreciate it, really.

Standalone, non-networked machine with a different slicer installed (IT departments have a name for that sort of thing) and try it that way?

It’s a long story, but it’s a small college. We aren’t even supposed to have this kind of tech, as I am the head of the Fine Arts/Humanities department. The engineering people are a different school within the college. Anyhow, the thing is, anything at all connected with the printer, computer associated with it, or any of the other peripherals has to go through IT. Not my choice. I wanted to get my own personal printer involved, but the college told me they’d get one, negating the need for me to buy my own.

Having said that, I wonder if I get an update on Cura done by IT, would that make a difference? I won’t be able to test anything out until Monday though… I will redo the cylinder on my computer at home, and see how that works Monday. I’ll keep everyone posted, as I need to fix this issue pretty soon.

Very much obliged!

Update to v5.9 would be worth a shot.

What are your temps showing during the print and at the time it stops…?

Does everything look normal ?

I wonder if something changed in the slicer settings causing it.

Does anyone else have access to the slicer and use it…?

Temps were 200 head, 60 bed.

Everything looked more or less as it was supposed to, other than the print head was in the middle of the item being printed, as if it just stopped midstream. No filament extrusion, nothing, almost as if it just stopped dead.

Your guess is as good as mine, probably better.

Everyone in the department has access, but no one uses it without going through me, because they’re all reluctant to fool around with it.

I’m afraid I don’t follow this. This is the only machine I have access to. There aren’t any others.

Can you create gcode on another machine, write it to USB/SDcard and print from that?

Interestingly enough, I went home Friday, not remembering to bring my thumb drive, and made up a little solid trapezoid thing. Did the standard settings on the slicer, with no modifications.

Printed it just now, and it finished. I stood there for the entire 41 minutes and watched it. When it finished, the the print head lifted off the model about two inches, and froze. And saw this weird error message on the screen on the printer: “Warning: Printing File Coordinate Exception”

The model completed, but I had that error message at the end.

A quick look at reddit and it looks like other Cura users have this too. Main thing is the print finished. Your home version of Cura is it the latest version?

No, it’s 5.1 I find that interesting.

The major difference between the one I did at home, and the one I did at work is that I changed the print speed settings, and upped the bed temp by 5 degrees C. I wonder if that is what did it?

I’m currently attempting the Roman Arch I started last week, to see if the thing completes. I’ll give updates in a couple of hours when it finishes. If it finishes.