Exclusive Offer - K1 Enhancing Accessory Kit Exclusively for K1 Printer Owners

Dear K1 Printer Owners,

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your long-term support of Creality. To show our appreciation, we are introducing the K1 Enhancing Accessory Kit, which is worth over $100 (Kit A), exclusively designed for you!

The K1 Enhancing Accessory Kit A, available for only “$2.?” and features the following components:

  • AI Camera
  • Extruder
  • Hot End
  • 1 roll of Hyper PLA

Additionally, we have prepared Kit B, available for only “$0.?” and consist of:

  • AI Camera
  • 1 roll of Hyper PLA

More importantly, both kits are free shipping!

To purchase the exclusive K1 Enhancing Accessory Kits, you may just need to provide verification of your K1 ownership, such as the SN code or purchase evidence.

More specific and detailed information regarding the rules will be announced on our official website around July 20th. Please stay tuned for further updates.

Thank you once again for your continuous support and trust. We are excited to embark on a journey of discovering the extraordinary capabilities of the K1 printer alongside you!

Event Link:https://www.creality.com/pages/k1-give-back-event-pack

Can anyone help me with this? I’ve started a conversation but no one answer my emails for weeks.