Extruder jams when changing filament

Here is a problem I had when I first got my corexz back in May. I wanted to post so it might help others who have clogged up their hotend when retracting filament. Every time I used the retract feature to remove filament, the soft filament jammed in the extruder. After becoming an expert at hotend disassembly, I remembered how I manually did it on my V2. With nozzle hot, and extruder cam open, push down on the filament slightly, then pull it out. Since then I have not had one jam.

By the way, the extrude feature pushes out too much filament. Is there any way in Creality Print 5 to define how many mm to advance “E”? This is available in Klipper/Fluidd.

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You will want to change your rotation distance, its similar to esteps in Marlin. On my ender 5 plus original bowden setup it was 33.83 but since upgrading to direct drive it is 7.53, just to give some numbers that might help.

I have a similar problem with my new K1C… It seems to retract ok, but when I release the lock and try to pull it out completely it jams! After a few extruder disassembly/reassemblies it seems like its not stuck in the hot end, but just refuses to pass completely through the lock wheels. In my case it seems like if the business end of the filament is deformed even slightly, it won’t pass through… I can pull it through backwards just fine, where the cut end is clean… It seems to me that the unlocked wheels don’t open enough. It’ll jam without fail every time I try to withdraw the retracted filament. Anybody seen that issue?

I have 3 Ender machines, but not in the K series, retracting is the given way to change filament. I now have 2 Qidi printers, which have similar setups to the K series, what they do differently is pull back the bowden tube at the printhead, snip the filament then extrude out that little bit of filament in the printhead. It is unusual but it does work, is it possible to try something like that on the K series?

Not sure if this would help but on my K1 Max (older version) I’ve had that issue but it was only with certain PLA filaments. Not sure why.

I ended up doing a retract a couple times before the filament would pull out easily…

Feeling any merit on the alternative way that I described Jim?

Not really sure how that would work on the K1’s. Once you cut the filament you wouldn’t be able to get the filament out unless you remove the extruder… ??

What you suggested might work but I guess I’m not understanding how it’s done on the Qidi.

step 1 is to release and pull away the bowden tube from the printhead.
step 2 is to snip the filament close to the printhead
step 3 is to extrude the filament that remains in the printhead
step 4 reattach bowden tube and reload filament

So no retraction at all but does leave a pile of “poop”, just thought if you can’t retract pull it out the can you snip it and extrude it out instead.

It has a very similar stepper and extruder but doesn’t have the lock

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Hey @Bonfireman, yeah I think that would work… its a bit of pain to have to remove the bowden tube, but its better than wrestling with the stuck filament! So here’s my extruder with the retracted bit still sticking out, and the good end cut after pulling back the tube. The weird thing is… if I was to pull downward on the filament, the nicely cut end passes through just fine.
If however, I pull from the top end, and try to pull the filament out as it normally would, the melted end hits the two inner wheels and stops. You have to really reef on it to get it out that way. If you zoom in on the filament, you can see that its pretty narrow and uniform on the melted end… You wouldn’t think that would have any trouble passing through in a hundred years! But yet, every time I try to remove a filament that happens. Weird no? It seems that the unlocked mechanism doesn’t open up enough to let anything other than smooth filament through…

Strange… I did try multiple retracts as well… same issue…

Would it be easier to take the 2 screws out and pull the extruder apart…?