extruder motor issues - irregular movement at certain speeds

I bought a k1 Max on the weekend and am having issues with the extruder motor.

If I extrude at 50mm/s or 10mm/s, the motor runs smoothly. at any other speed, it sort of ‘jitters’ but doesn’t extrude any filament.

I have tried resetting to factory settings, but no joy.

I’d appreciate any thoughts…

could be that to the inside of the heaterthroat some filament has melted.
take off nozzle and take off extruder

clean the heaterthroat with a heated iron bar of the heaterthroat diameter. (watch out for burns)

after done that try put through filament by hand if that goes easy the problem will be solved.

Thanks for the reply.

To clarify, this isn’t a blockage - I have cleared the nozzle/extruder. I actually tested this with the motor and gears detached from the hotend.

If I run an extrude at 10mm/s or 50mm/s the gears move the filament through smoothly - any other speed, the motor sort of clicks and the filament does not move. This behaviour is also shown on the drive shaft from the motor when the extruder gear section is removed.

This one appears to be solved. I fully detached the motor from the printer, checked and cleaned the contacts and reconnected and touch wood it seems to be functioning properly now…

Thanks for the help!!

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