Hi, i am relatively new, a few weeks into 3d printing with the ender 3v3 ke.
I changed the nozzle to a hardened steel one the other day as i saw recommendation online especially for some of the more abrasive filamemts i wanted to try.
Since changing the nozzle every (100%) of test print has failed.
Ive followed most advice online about setting z offset to stop the head basically dragging the print off the bed but to no avail.
Hoping someone has done same at somepoint and knows a fix.
Gone back to the brass nozzle for now and seems to be ok with that one but when i do use more abrasive filaments it might be an issue?
All I can think of is do a full self level check with any new nozzle. Run a nozzle PID then get the z offset right. I don’t think there is that much significant difference dimensionally between a brass and hardened nozzle, provided they are of the same type.