Falcon Laser 10W stops mid cut

Hi there,
I have a problem,
When I start a laser session, the Falcon does the normal reset and the preview. But then, when I press the button again to start the laser, it begins, but within 2 seconds it stops and resets.
I have bought this machine only a few weeks ago. It cannot be a file problem, because I tried files that used to work fine before. I have no clue what the problem may be? Has anyone ever experienced the same? Or any advice what to do?

Hi @Edje and welcome to the forums.

I am not familiar with the Falcon lasers however I would recommend checking the machine for a voltage selection switch and ensure the switch is in the correct position for your region. I am not sure if the Falcon has one of these switches or not but would be worth checking.

I’m having a similar issue. I have tried engraving directly from the Lightburn software and receive lost connection errors along with “GPIO isr service is not installed, call gpio_install_isr_service() first” errors.

I also tried saving the gcode file to the TF card. My project will engrave for a few seconds, then stop. The job will not continue where it left off, instead it restarts and stops again within a few seconds. Has anyone found a solution or work-around?

Thank you,

You also have the 10W?
Can you try a known good example file like the Eagle provided here:

Is the microSD card formatted in FAT32? (if you reformat it, first save all files that are on it).