Fan control

Coming from Lulzbot and CURA. K2 plus has ran smooth over a dozen prints. I fixed the foot that happened obviously in shipping and ordered about a dozen more filaments. Most were PLAnand have been ran in the CFS(which I will definitely order another one). Multi color and single color prints have been fine. Loaded up first print not in PLA and it’s HP ASA I figured let it feed from the external spool. So I disconnect the CHS feed from spool everything running. However myQ fans all show they are not in operation. Am I supposed to be setting my fan speeds manually? Seems like every slicer I have used had all the fan speeds written into the Gcode sent from slicer to printer. Should be changes from first layer and any over hangs. I am a bit perplexed maybe I just missed the auto button. I did realize that it was up to me to manual purge. I will admit the CFS made me lazy in only a few days. Any info is appreciated I have multiple spools of different kinds of filaments and plan on running them all at some point. Thanks


In Creality Print, the fan speeds are indeed controlled within the slicer software, and they should be written into the G-code. If your Q fans are not showing operation, it could be due to a few reasons:
Settings in Creality Print: Ensure that you have the correct fan settings within Creality Print. You can adjust the fan speed for the first layer and subsequent layers.
Firmware Settings: Sometimes, the printer’s firmware might need to be updated to ensure compatibility with the latest software settings.
G-code Review: You can review the G-code file to see if the fan commands are present. If they’re not, you might need to adjust your slicer settings.
