Ferret Pro will not connect properly in Windows 10, Scanner Undetected message

Not to go completely off topic but:

Win 7 is perfectly viable for most hardware and software. In fact it’s the only OS that will run my perfectly working 20 year old Epson Stylus 7600 (24") printer, an Epson 2450 scanner (without intervention) and a boatload of professional software which are now useless because Windows doesn’t support the drivers (and Adobe won’t support the particular .8bf plugin). It’s infuriating that I have to trash perfectly working hardware and software in the name of planned obsolescence and corporate profits. It’s like Sony Playstation not being backwards compatible.

I must confess that Win 10 is a great OS for stability and I’m very happy with Win 11 (didn’t like it at first) however I absolutely hate the constant updating as well. For me The “Co Pilot” feature in Win 11 is very welcome as both a professional tool and also a “stress reliever”.

Now if someone could just develop the perfect first layer delivery :grimacing: