File is not Loading

Flie not loading with sonic pad. Downloaded a list of stl files from one person and none of them will load to the printer.

Hi @abbey7051 and welcome to the forums.

You need to slice the STL files with a slicer software such as OrcaSlicer to convert them into gcode files that the printer can understand and read.

I have done that. I used Creality slicer and Cura slicer. No difference in either. I tried reaching out the the guy who made the files, but no help there. I have printed many other items off thingiverse and etc… with no issues.

It does sound like there may be issues with the files if they are not working in multiple slicers.

I wonder if @abbey7051 could post a few of those files here. I’m wondering if they are actually .stl extensions or just corrupted… :thinking:

That was discussed in another forum within the last couple of weeks. You might have to simply remove the spaces in your file name.