First large batch of print on the K1 Max after fixing up the wrapped print bed

So far so good. It is not perfect yet due to a really bad wrapped bed. But with the silicone + sub glass bed mods. It is way better than before. I will do some more tuning / adjustment to make it better. Overall I am happy with the speed and quality.

Printing off the wolverine’s claws display model with the wood filament. The K1 Max is like a little fireplace. I can smell the wood. LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Happy Friday everyone :sunglasses:
Cheers :beers::beers::beers:

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How warped is warped. I managed to level mine down to 0.14mm without too much effort (just belt-popped and two paper shims in the back left corner)… Lucky perhaps?

Im also printing with some wood filament today. It was terrible and globby at first, until I created a new filament profile (copying the standard PLA) and tweaking temps/fans/etc/etc. Still tweaking with some test cubes.

May I ask if you also tweaked your filament settings?