First Layer Issue Ocra / Creality Print

So I’ve owned the printer about 4 days… On a scale of 1 to 10… 10 Being an engineer able to troubleshoot all manner of printers, and 1 being a crouton placed on top of a printer. I’m a strong 3)… I know enough to be dangerous… I can troubleshoot extremely simple issues. As I type this it LOOKS like I’ve managed to find a workaround to the problem I have, but I want to share the info anyway.

Printing out of Orca Slicer to the K2 or even out of Creality Print to the K2… My hungry little printer is chewing up the first layers left and right. (See photos: WARNING Graphic Content… It’s ugly)

Now, at this moment (While Typing this), I am looking at a successful first layer. Sadly, I am missing a step (did so many things, I don’t remember one crucial step)

What I did that CAUSED the issue:
Model in Fusion export as STL
Drop on the Orca Prepare screen. Slice and then press SEND TO PRINTER /PRINT
The printer would bed level before printing and then begin to chew up everything once it started.

Here’ is what’s working:
Went to the small touch screen on printer
Found the model in LOCAL memory. (That must have been sent there by Orca)
Went to the calibration screen and selected calibration (I did NOT use Calibration connected to the print job)
When finished went back to file list… Selected the model / job in the local menu.
Selected PRINT and UNCHECKED the Calibration box before starting
Good print

This result is a very good first layer for me. But of course, I’d RATHER print out of Orca Slicer or Creality… Right now, I’m just glad this is clearly a software issue, and there is some way to get a good print. If people know about this and can advise me on, I’d be very grateful. (I’ve yet to successfully print this model COMPLETELY, but the 2nd layer just finished and it looks wonderful, I am pretty confident I’ll be okay)

That my friend is a brilliant scale discription.

Hello and welcome CaptainObvious.


Looking at the wrinkling surface I would say that the z-offset is a little close to the bed, this isn’t an Orca or Creality Print issue. You will need to adjust it on the printer during the next print. Try printing a wide skirt around the model and dial in the z-offset on that, you should then get a decent first layer. If you get the rippling on later layers it will be down to flowrate being too high, do a flowrate calibration.