First print what do I print

Hi guys just got my reality printer. Opening the box at work tomorrow. Super excited. What do I print first it’s our practice machine we are learning 3d printing. It’s going to be such an important work tool of the future.

Where can I get some test print files from.

Hey there @Paulob1 ,

Welcome to the Creality Forum,

Got a new machine ?. Cool. Let us know which one you got.

Most of the Creality 3D printers have a few sample and calibration test files included in the machine menu that you can print out once you have it all set up.

I like to print the the XYZ calibration cube and of course the benchy to see how everything is working.

Have fun. :sunglasses:

k1 max AI fast 3d…all set up and ready to go after a rather odd instruction video that isnt particularly helpful…I have nom idea how to use it yet I am a total newbie but want to get playing with it…asap…where can I get software and plans…how do I do my own designs what software do I use…so much tom learn…

Hey @Paulob1
These questions are great, but a bit long to answer here - there are too many subjects, with far too much info.
Here is a breakdown of what I suggest.
To get models (starting here to get you hungry for more :slight_smile: ), you could visit one of the following:

    For the software to design your own models, you could enlist for a hobyist license of fusion360, which is my go to tool for modeling. Hobyist license is free for a year, but you can renew it once the period is passed.
    For slicing (what takes your 3D model and puts it in a language the printer understands), you can use CURA or PRUSA slicers which are free and amazing.

Finally, I encourage you to do some reading on the internet and watch Youtube videos. Prety much all you are looking for has been documented already.

Make sure you search for your printer - you may get stuff specific to it, which will remove some of the guess work.

With your printer, you just opened a whole now world! Enjoy your stay :smiley:

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okay it had to be done boaty boat boat was printed, working fine…very pleased with first pass, now need to learn how to connect to it and work with it… not sure how to send files to it yet. got the manual now and will give it a good read

You can start with this software which is pretty easy to learn and very basic. It is made to communicate with the K1 Max. Create an account on Creality Cloud makes it easier to access free models and information too.

Creality Print software.

There’s also an app for your phone. Creality Cloud. Makes it easy to log in by scanning the barcode to connect the printer to your account.

Another alternative that might require a bit more to setup is to run OctoPrint on a Raspberry PI.
It allows you to use the printer remotely - send files, print, and if you connect a camera to the Raspberry, you can monitor it remotely too!

That’s not necessary with the K1 series of printers as the slicer software has the ability to upload, print and monitor. Plus you can also use the cloud app to login remotely to monitor your prints etc :slight_smile: They really have eliminated the need for an external device for remote functionality :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback @Nikoli.
I have no experience with the K1 series - I have a CR-10s, so it’s good to know about the evolution and support!

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After 1-3 test print to check it is ok, if you are interested in cars then look for those 3D models in 3D library to download, if you like cool stuff then search for this kind of 3D models to print.
Look at youtube movies about 3D printing so you learn how to get most out of it, learn about different Filament…