Flexible Pla

Hi all new here , trying to print flexible pla having a little trouble I was wandering if there is a place to download slicer files to make it easier as a starting point cheerd… the tpu settings aren’t much help ive tried to copy a few set up but not much luck

Hey,you can consider downloading and installing a slicer software that has good support for flexible filament such as Cura, PrusaSlicer, and Simplify3D, and look for pre-configured profiles within your slicer software. Many slicers come with profiles for different filament, including flexible PLA filament and TPU filament. These can be a good starting point.

Hello @Jarmin_Leonardi …! :wave:

Welcome to the Creality Forum…! Creality

What printer are you using and what kind of problems…?

I don’t see a profile for flex PLA but try slowing the speeds down quite a bit (60%) to start and disable retraction and rafts. Nozzle 230C / Build plate 60C.

Work on some small parts first…