Gets up to temperature but won't start printing

I am a teacher who is new to 3D printing. We have two Ender 3 Pros. We have one that will get up to temperature to print PLA but then it starts fluctuating anywhere from about 8 degrees below to 8 degrees above the print temperature. It never gives an error but it never starts printing. We have changed out the thermistor twice and changed out the heater cartridge. I don’t believe it’s anything related to the file because we can print the same file on our other Ender 3 Pro with no issues. Both printers are running Marlin 2.0.6.

PID tuning not helped?

Most slicers have a setting that does not allow printing until the temperature stabilizes.

If you are running Klipper, I found that if more than one set of PID settings is commented out #, it tends to use the first set it runs into in the cfg files. Check [include files also.

I discovered this when upgrading my Ender 5 S1 to a 6mm thick aluminum tooled bed with a 500-watt AC heater. I did a PID tune on the bed heater, but when trying to print, the bed temperature would overshoot and not return to the print temperature. I found # PID settings under the bed heater and at the end of the printer.cfg file, where the tuning process stores the new PID values. Removing the set under the bed heater section fixed the problem.

I ran the PID autotune. The printer will now actually start a print, but while printing the temperature is still continually fluctuating around six degrees above and below the target temperature. Thank you for the recommendation.

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Thank you for your response. I’m learning and will try to figure out what all of this means :sweat_smile: