God awful print quality (And bed mesh)

I got one or two good prints out of my printer before prints started looking like this. with or without auto calibration it looks bad it looks like the printer is struggling to extrude bed mesh included for reference

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0.9mm over that sized bed is pretty good. Looking at the prints having a little feathering to the edge the z offset looks a tiny bit too close. Find one of the single layer test prints and see how that prints so we can see that too.

Yeah its real bad

I’ve seen a helluva lot worse. Looks like the z-offset is too low but only 0.05/0.1mm, that gives rippling and possibly flowrate a little high also rippling effect. A few minor adjustments should get that sorted. 0.9 variation on the bed will easily be coped with in the autolevel.

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Having the same issues with mine. Found this tutorial on YouTube but have not had the time to try it out. I’m convinced that after bed leveling the machine IS NOT making the necessary adjustments to compensate.

Until I figure out how to implement this code I have relegated myself to using the right side of my printer. Maybe someone here can help.