Gold Plate Doesn't Stick in One Spot

I have a CR6 and I only just started printing. It has a gold build plate, which has worked great for some prints, but I ran into a weird problem. There is one spot on the gold plate where the print does not stick. I don’t think I have ever gotten a print to stick to this spot. I have washed the plate with mild soap but this did not help.

There are discussions online about prints not sticking, but this is a specific situation where prints prints stick to the build plate everywhere else, in fact, there is another spot where prints stick extra tight.

What could be the problem? Why would it stick everywhere but the one spot?

Hello @SharpSight …! :wave:

Welcome to the Creality Forum…! Creality

Try using isopropyl alcohol on that spot or the whole plate actually. There might be a fingerprint or oil spot there. Mild soap might not get it off. :+1:

We use Dawn dish soap, rinse good and then wipe down with the alcohol. Not rubbing alcohol…

Thank you for the suggestions. The instructions on the gold print plate are to never use alcohol as that may damage the plate, because of the type of material used for the gold plate. They suggest a degreaser soap and hot water.

Update: I washed the plate again, then put it in front of a fan for a couple hours to dry completely. I then auto-leveled the build plate. Then next print worked successfully. So, I ran another immediately afterward, which failed in exactly the same location.

I remain confused why it works then fails again an yet I know I did not touch the plate. The gold build plate is new.