Help! K1 Max says Error Key 109 Fan Feedback Exception

The printer nozzle heats fine. The Extrude function works fine. The fans seem to be operating fine when I turn them on and off with the Settings control sliders.

But I can’t print anything because it says Error Key 109 Fan Feedback Exception.

When I look for a solution I find the Creality site that says the throat fan might need to be replaced, or the nozzle board might need to be replaced. I DO NOT KNOW what either of those things are.

Please help. This printer is only four months old.

OK, so I know this is a rather old post and I’m not sure if the poster ever got an answer. I had the same issue so this is how I found the post. After pulling my print head apart I realized that the fan for the hotend, not the part fan, had come loose somehow. It’s on the left side of the print head on the back side of the board. I pressed the plug back in fully and It’s working perfectly now. Very simple fix.

Any other possible solution? I replaced the board and both fans in the Extruder. Same error. Very frustrating

Soooo my k1max has been down foe weeks …key109 fan feed back exception.

First i replaced the board on the extruder that Creality sent. Didnt fix…Then replaced both extruder fans. Still have same error. Of course it died during the christmas rush. If i dont fix i have to refund every order. Frustrating

What is the fix for this ? Anyone?