Hot End home position and Z-Offset

Something has changed in my printer operation it has been making great prints for about 4 years. I use primarily Sketchup for design and Prusa Slicer to slice on a Mac Mini with OS 14. I use Octoprint for controlling print.
My Z home position is 10mm above the heated bed.
The Z-Offset has been 2.60 since I installed a new print nozzle about a week ago.
My last print job has the Hot End too high above the bed and adhesion cannot occur.
I had not changed anything except the nozzle prior to this change.
Can someone suggest a trouble shooting process and or remedy?

I seem to have fixed this issue by the simple expedient of turning off and unplugging the printer, Octopi Server and Mac. Turned everything back up after an hour and everything is now working as it always has.

Best outcome of the experience, try simple stuff first and finding this forum.
