I see everyone is having problems with the extruded jamming,

I had the same issues and I had the latest version extruded and still had the same issues, I’ve solved this with 3 simple methods,

  1. Take your lid off while printing PLA, I know it’s annoying but it works.

  2. Take your filament feed tube out the last latch of the trailing arm (whatever it’s called) so the bend going into the extruder isn’t so much of a right angle.

  3. Take you extruder apart and make sure all the gears inside are clean and free of any built up filament that’s been ground into the gear mechanism.

I’ve done all these and been printed almost everyday since without issue.

Also check your slicing. I had points when using certain programs it would cause the issue and since using ocra I haven’t had the problem since.

Hope this helps

I do this for PLA, TPU and PETG everything else is fully enclosed.

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Take the feeding tube out the last hole of the arm that holds it

My tubing isn’t in that cable chain at all anymore